I was about 12/13 years old when I was drawing this.
Iita, Kapu and Appu tells about three friends, a mosquito, a fly and a wasp. Iita is the smartes one, Kapu bit simple and Appu is... frankly, he's like he had no brains at all. Also, just like everything else, this never got finished.
PART II: Alli taking part in the group?
Part III: To the Honeycomb
When Appu was near to fall over Iita, I felt so excited. I didn't pair them, tho.

PART IV: The Queen and the meeting
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Helou! Kaikenlaiset kommentit piristää paljon, ku kyseessä on kuitenkii perfektionisti "taitelija", joka ei paljoa omiin kykyihin usko eikä ymmärrä osaavansa jopa jotain ku kaiken pitäs olla niin täydellistä :)
Hellooo! Every comment makes my day when I'm perfectionist "artist" who doesn't believe much in her own abilities and doesn't understand that even can something 'cause everything should be so perfect :)